Tech in Action case studies: Competitive high-tech manufacturing
27 October 2022
How can industrial AI and other automation technologies help European industry to be more competitive and resilient? Orgalim’s latest Technology in Action case studies feature three Lithuanian engineering and technology companies, showing how they deploy AI, automation and robotics in practice to improve efficiency and sustainability, meeting the needs of European customers for competitive, high quality parts, products and services made in Europe.
These case studies first appeared in our latest Technology at Heart report, produced in collaboration with Orgalim member in Lithuania, LINPRA.
Our aim with these case studies is to inform and inspire stakeholder dialogue, highlight the opportunities, the enablers and the obstacles, and draw out insights and implications for policymaking at both the European and national level.
You can find them – and the others in the series – on the dedicated page here.
For more information on Orgalim’s case studies, please contact us at
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