Join Orgalim

Orgalim is comprised of full members, associate members and individual companies. National associations can apply for full membership. EU sector associations can apply for associate membership, and individual companies can join the Orgalim for Corporates programme. Only full members are entitled to vote in the General Assembly.

To find out more, we encourage you to get in touch. We'd be delighted to discuss your needs and tell you more about our network, our policy and advocacy work and our services to members. We look forward to hearing from you.

National Industry Associations

Our network currently counts 28 national industry associations. These represent industry at a national level in many European member states. You can access the full list of our national members here.

Find out more.

European Sector Associations

Our 21 European sector associations represent a specific technology industry sector across Europe. You can find the full list of our European sector association members here.

Find out more.

Orgalim for Corporates

By joining Orgalim for Corporates, you will become part of a unique network of forward-looking manufacturing leaders, with access to valuable insights and influence on the EU industry agenda. You can take a look at the full list of our Corporate members here

Find out more.


5 reasons to join Orgalim​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


1. Be part of a strong network  

By joining Orgalim, you will become part of an influential network comprised of more than 770,000 companies, benefiting from opportunities to connect and collaborate, share knowledge and build partnerships, within and across industry sectors.


2. Influence the EU agenda 

Orgalim has been a trusted partner representing European technology industries in Brussels for more than 60 years and directly influencing the EU agenda. With around 80% of national and regional legislation in Europe coming from Brussels, influencing EU policy is a must for future-oriented businesses to stay ahead of the curve.


3. Gain insights and regulatory intelligence

Orgalim's advocacy work covers a broad spectrum of policy and regulatory issues. As part of Orgalim, you will gain access to our extensive expertise, insights and intelligence that we share with the network.


4. Shape the industry agenda  

In today's disruptive environment, industrial strategy and policies are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of our industries. Joining Orgalim enables you to contribute to shaping the agenda for your industry, including through direct participation in our working groups and task forces.​​​​​​​


5. Build visibility

Orgalim plays a key role in connecting industry with policy makers. We organise numerous events, conference speaking opportunities and roundtables that offer opportunities for our members to increase their brand visibility and thought leadership profile.
