Services To Clients

Our Partnership department provides services to 21 associations across a diverse spectrum of sectors. A dedicated multidisciplinary team of advisers delivers a tailored offering ranging from monitoring to advocacy, to association management, strategy and support. As a not-for-profit organisation working exclusively with the technology industries, we present a unique value proposition for associations seeking a long-term partnership within a well-established network.

The Partnership was created over 15 years ago to meet the specific needs of sector associations, whether that be a Brussels representation and visibility as the voice of their sectors, targeted information on relevant policy areas, or advocacy on regulatory and policy issues. Today, the Partnership offers services to 21 associations (both Orgalim members and non-members) – making it the strongest European sector platform in the technology industries. Read more about the services here.



ESMIG, the European association of smart energy solution providers, has published their 2024 Annual Review, providing an overview of their wide range of activities and achievements, supporting a clean and fair energy transition.


Olivier JANIN

Deputy Director General

Regulatory monitoring

We provide a comprehensive monitoring service covering over 80 regulatory and policy issues at EU level: from Internal Market, market access and industrial and digitalisation policy, to environment, energy and climate change and research and development policy. The monitoring package includes access to the bi-monthly Information Bulletin, which delivers comprehensive targeted information on EU laws, proposals, programmes and legislative developments tailored to each client’s requirements. Plus, clients benefit from briefing notes, webinars and early warnings on important developments across their priority issues.

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Regulatory monitoring

Advocacy and lobbying

We provide support for advocacy and lobbying campaigns towards the EU institutions – including specialist support for communications, public relations and public affairs activities. Clients benefit from the strength in numbers that comes with belonging to a wide network of industry representatives, and can tap into the experience and contacts that Orgalim has gained after over 60 years of working in Brussels.

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Association management

For organisations that do not have their own representation in Brussels, our association management or general secretariat services ensure a presence on the ground where the legislation affecting your sector is made. We offer professional and flexible support, tailored to a variety of needs and budgets.

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Association management

Business intelligence

We can deliver made-to-measure business intelligence to our clients in a range of areas – from targeted research, to market surveys, to industry statistics.

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Project management and support

For specific activities related to working groups, platforms and industry initiatives, we can provide project management services and support. This can take a variety of forms: from launching completely new and innovative initiatives, to leading or joining projects and campaigns, creating or feeding into policy papers, analysing data, organising meetings and events – and much more besides.

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Project management and support