Joint Declaration: Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future

Published: 15 July 2024

Policies & Issues: Trade

All undersigned business associations believe that an ambitious and open trade policy is essential to supporting the EU’s competitiveness.

Trade openness drives economic growth and job creation, with 1 in 5 EU jobs relying on exports. It benefits consumers by increasing choices, with 60% of Europeans acknowledging these advantages, and attracts foreign investments, fostering growth and innovation in the EU. Additionally, diversification in sourcing and exports enhances resilience and our ability to weather and overcome crises.

These figures underscore the importance of maintaining openness and growth as the core elements of the EU’s trade policy. This requires a very conscious and deliberate prioritisation of policies aimed at opening new and diversified markets through trade agreements and reduced technical barriers to trade.

To read the statement in full, please download the document above. 

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