Orgalim’s GDPR survey – Read feedback from Europe’s technology industries

8 July 2020

Two years after it came into force, t...

Two years after it came into force, the European Commission has today published its review and evaluation of the General Data and Protection Regulation. Orgalim has conducted a survey to assess its member industries’ experience of the GDPR legislation, and is now pleased to share the results. 

Responses from a wide range of SME’s confirm that the GDPR has been a positive development for our members, as it creates trust in the market. However, the main negative aspect has been the high compliance cost for companies.

Moreover, our companies increasingly process mixed data sets, meaning non-personal data with a personal component. The ability to use machine-generated data to the fullest extent is key for our companies and must be maintained.

Innovation, in particular on AI, is essential for our companies to lead worldwide. In this context, our companies have strongly recommended that the GPDR should not be interpreted as a general prohibition to automated decision-making.

You can read more on Orgalim’s response to the GDPR review and evaluation here.

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