Orgalim statement on Fit for 55 package

14 July 2021

Representing the technology sectors p...

Representing the technology sectors providing innovative solutions which can unlock a greener and more prosperous future for the European Union and its citizens, Orgalim welcomes the Fit for 55 package, which sets the course for reaching carbon neutrality by mid-century.

  • Orgalim supports the increased targets in a proposal for a Renewable Energy Directive. We are pleased to see measures that support the uptake of renewables in heating & cooling, transport and industry sectors and that encourage the use of waste heat and cold. We call on the policymakers to accelerate the creation of markets for demand side flexibility and speed up the digitalisation of the energy system.

  • Orgalim welcomes the reinforced level of ambition in the revised proposal for the Energy Efficiency Directive. We support strengthening the renovation obligations for public buildings and energy efficiency requirements for public procurement.

  • We strongly support the European Commission’s decision to replace the Directive on deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure with a Regulation and introduce binding targets for recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This will eliminate inconsistent implementation and interpretation across the EU and ensure a swift and harmonised rollout of infrastructure in all Member States. Furthermore, to ensure the interoperability of the full ecosystem throughout Europe, it is important to adopt international standards. In line with usual practice, the approach to standardisation in the legislation should be technology-neutral, so that the standards remain flexible.

  • Orgalim notes the proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. We welcome the fact that our complex products are not in the scope of the Regulation. At the same time, Orgalim will continue to carefully monitor the possible indirect effects of the carbon border adjustment mechanism on the prices of raw materials.

  • We are pleased to see that environmental performance of energy products and electricity will be the basis of energy taxation in the revised proposal for the Energy Taxation Directive. The possibility of favouring fossil fuels via tax reductions, exemptions, and rebates must be reduced.

We look forward to working with the co-legislators to achieve a clear policy framework that would accelerate investments in technologies needed to reach ambitious climate goals.

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