Aligning European and international standards: Insights from the High Level Forum workshop
12 October 2023
Yesterday, Orgalim hosted a workshop of workstream 4 of the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation to discuss the vital importance of European and international standard alignment. As an advisory group to the European Commission, the High Level Forum identifies standardisation priorities that support EU policies.
Within the forum, Orgalim is the curator of workstream 4 on alignment between European and international standards. Participants to the workshop included European Commission representatives, member state authorities, the three European Standardisation Organisations, alongside stakeholders from industry, academia, and civil society.
Divided into two themes, the workshop first explored the "international first" principle, referencing Vienna and Frankfurt agreements, looking at the specific case of machinery standardisation. Later, it scrutinised the EU's approach to international standardisation, focusing on technological sovereignty and AI standards. Data and insights were shared to ensure evidence-based discussions.
Standardisation alignment remains an essential element crucial for global market access, economies of scale, and cost efficiency, which benefits businesses and ultimately the end-users.
“The heightened interest in this workstream and the workshop underscores the importance of alignment between European and International standards. Standardisation alignment remains an essential element crucial for global market access, economies of scale, and cost efficiency, which benefits businesses and ultimately the end-users.” said Mette Peetz-Schou, Leading Senior Advisor at Danish Industry and Orgalim Sherpa Coordinator in the HLF.
The outcomes of this workshop are anticipated to be part of the conclusions of the forthcoming High Level Forum report.
Also in the news: The workshop followed closely on the heels of the stakeholder session organised by Orgalim at the EU Industry Days last week on the role of standardisation for business success.
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