Orgalim key recommendations on energy and climate

Published: 3 July 2024

Policies & Issues: Green Transition

In this document, Orgalim is providing its key recommendations on energy and climate for the upcoming EU legislative period, asking policy makers to commit to achieving the goals of the EU Green Deal while ensuring a strong boost for industry competitiveness in Europe. For the green transition to be a success, clear and predictable milestones which allow European society and industry to adequately lay the necessary foundations are indispensable. This is why Europe’s technology industries have expressed their support for the European Commission Communication on the 2040 Climate Target for the European Union and its recommendation for a 90% emission reduction target compared to 1990 levels. 

To achieve these ambitious targets, our industries see great potential in the electrification of industry as well as of buildings and transport. We also believe that energy efficiency technologies are key to reducing carbon emissions, while strengthening energy security and resilience. Furthermore, both electrification and energy efficiency play an important role in increasing European competitiveness by helping to ensure affordable energy costs for companies. Deploying these essential elements of the net-zero transformation should be achieved in a streamlined and efficient manner without creating burdensome regulation.

To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.



Laure Dulière
Senior Adviser - Energy, Climate and Innovation

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