Green Transition: Orgalim position and recommendations on the Communication on the 2040 Climate Target for the European Union

Published: 5 February 2024

Policies & Issues: Green Transition, Energy & Climate

Orgalim, representing Europe’s technology industries, welcomes the timely initiative of the European Commission to develop intermediate goals for the EU’s path to net-zero, in the form of the 2040 Climate Target for the European Union. For the green transition to be a success, clear and predictable milestones that allow European society and industry to adequately lay the necessary foundations are indispensable. 

Any 2040 climate goal must be equally ambitious and pragmatic. Ambitious, since a swift and successful achievement of climate neutrality will future-proof the EU economy and allow it to be at the forefront of economic development. Pragmatic, in that it must give European industry the flexibility to achieve the target without undermining its global competitiveness.

To read our recommendations in full, please download the document above.


Laure Dulière
Senior Adviser - Energy, Climate and Innovation

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