A vision for the future of European engineering: Orgalime’s updated Vision Paper

15 May 2017

Two and a half years ago, Orgalime published its Vision Paper ‘Technology for the World – Manufactured in Europe’. The aim? To present the incoming European Commission and newly elected European Parliament with our vision for the future of the engineering industry – and how policymakers could help make it a success.

Now, it’s time to take stock. Launched at the Orgalime General Assembly on 17 November, our updated Vision Paper outlines in detail where progress has been made over the last two years – and what remains to be done, or done better. From regulation to R&D and everything in between, the Vision Paper update is a comprehensive overview of the policy state of play and how the European level can support the needs of our industry – and, in turn, drive growth throughout the EU’s economy.

Read the Vision Paper in an interactive online format.

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