Unlocking the economic and social potential of data - Orgalim's Legal guide on industrial data

22 April 2021

The European Union is focused on unlo...

The European Union is focused on unlocking the economic and social potential of data, with a particular focus on industrial data. The upcoming Data Act for example will aim at encouraging the sharing of industrial data in B2B space.

To enable such data sharing, Orgalim published today a legal guide on industrial data.

With this guide, Orgalim wants to provide guidance on industrial data sharing within and between companies, and to support the development of balanced practices and business based on data.  We believe this will encourage companies to better recognise the value of their own data, and to develop partnerships that further promote the use of data in business development.

Specifically, we believe this guide will;

  • Bring transparency to the contractual negotiations on data between companies. When the use of data is subject to clear contractual provisions, it can be used efficiently and legitimately, develop practices around agreements concerning the use of data.

  • Shorten negotiation times and to facilitate agreements on the use of data so that agreements will promote the efficient use of data. In particular, this guide also contains model terms which are intended to be used in sharing of industrial data (information other than personal data). Parties may supplement these terms with a data processing appendix, where the parties recognise and agree upon the personal data in question, the roles of the parties and responsibilities for processing personal data. The model terms for data sharing are by their nature not applicable to the processing of personal data,

We stand ready to further support the European Commission in its efforts to strengthen Europe’s data economy, and we are convinced that this legal guide will play an important role in the B2B space.​​​​​​​

You can download the Orgalim legal guide on industrial data here.

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