Tackling the e-waste challenge – Orgalim acts in support of International E-Waste Day

22 September 2021

Orgalim is once again taking action i...

Orgalim is once again taking action in support of International E-Waste Day, this 14 October, to raise awareness about the importance of improving the collection, treatment and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment at the end of its life.

“E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the EU. To change that, improve resource efficiency and contribute to  Europe’s circular economy goals, it is essential that all electronic equipment is properly collected, treated and recycled when it has reached the end of its life,” says Malte Lohan, Orgalim’s Director General. “That’s why we are pleased to participate in International E-Waste Day again this year.” 

  It is essential that all electronic equipment is properly collected, treated and recycled when it has reached the end of its life 

Malte Lohan

What is the e-waste challenge?

E-waste is created when an electronic or electrical product is discarded after the end of its useful life. Every year, some 12 million tonnes of new e-waste piles up in Europe – around 16kg per person – and only around 40% of that is properly collected, treated and recycled. At a global level, that figure is much lower still, at just over 17%. 

E-waste can be hazardous, as it may contain harmful substances that can cause major environmental and health problems if they are not managed properly. It is also highly valuable. The value of e-waste generated globally is estimated at over €50 billion a year, according to the UN’s Global E-Waste Monitor 2020.  


Contributing to the circular economy

Orgalim members in the electronic and electrical sector are contributing to the circular economy by making significant efforts and investments, both in ecodesign improvements and to properly implement the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which harmonises the separate collection, proper treatment, recovery and recycling of WEEE throughout the EU.

“The role of producers in the proper collection and treatment of their end-of-life products is very important. However, producers cannot achieve the WEEE targets alone,” says Stéphanie Mittelham, Manager – Energy and Environment at Orgalim. “As we have pointed out in Orgalim’s Position Paper on the Circular Economy Action Plan, we need an effective cooperation and contribution of all actors, including municipalities, retailers, consumers, waste companies and recyclers and enforcement authorities, among others.” 


Orgalim’s International E-Waste Day action

For this International E-Waste Day, Orgalim is organising a collection point in our offices in Brussels from 27 September until 13 October, so colleagues can bring in and dispose of their electrical and electronic waste from their offices or homes. On 14 October, we will hand over all of this collected e-waste to RECUPEL, the Belgian waste management scheme. 

Follow us on social media to find out how much we collect and join us in this effort by organising your own e-waste collection and sharing it using the hashtag #ewasteday.

  We need an effective cooperation and contribution of all actors, including municipalities, retailers, consumers, waste companies and recyclers and enforcement authorities 

Stéphanie Mittelham
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