S 2022: Orgalim releases a new edition of its world-renowned General Conditions

24 November 2022

Orgalim has released a new edition of...

Orgalim has released a new edition of its world-renowned supply conditions, the General Conditions for the Supply of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Products. S 2022 update S 2012 to reflect legal developments and experience with supply contracts in the technology industries. It is the third revision since the Orgalim Supply Conditions were introduced in 1992. 

Building on the success of S 2012 and their endorsement in international business where they are widely used, the 4th edition of Orgalim Supply Conditions brings about clarifications and some additions without compromising on the balanced approach towards the parties’ interests.  

What is new? 

Among the updates are an adapted definition of "Gross Negligence", a specific clause on intellectual property, a simplification of payment terms and a clarification of the liability for infringement of intellectual property rights. 

Lindsay Hopmans, Attorney-at-law at Orgalim’s Dutch member federation FME, and convenor of the S 2022 drafting group, said: "With nearly 1500 active licences, Orgalim Supply Conditions are an immense success, used internationally, and accepted broadly. This new edition keeps the core of the text whilst bringing changes that make it clearer, more complete, and legally up-to-date."

S 2022 are immediately available in 13 languages, with additional linguistic versions to be developed in the coming months. The Supplementary Conditions S 2012 S on supervision of installation are under revision and will soon be released as S 2022 S.  

Licenses to use S 2022 are available for purchase on Orgalim's licensing website, along with 9 different sets of Orgalim general conditions designed to give concrete and comprehensive solutions in support of companies engaged in business-to-business transactions worldwide. 

  With nearly 1500 active licences, Orgalim Supply Conditions are an immense success, used internationally, andaccepted broadly. This new edition keeps the core of the text whilst bringing changes that make it clearer, more complete, and legally up-to-date. 

Lindsay Hopmans
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