Raising awareness on International E-Waste Day

14 October 2019

14 October was International E-Waste ...

14 October was International E-Waste Day, and Orgalim marked the occasion with an e-waste collection day to raise awareness. The old electrical and electronic equipment brought by the team from their homes and offices was handed over to Recupel, the Belgium waste management scheme, for end-of-life collection, treatment and recycling (pictured left the handover by Stéphanie Mittelham, responsible for waste issues at Orgalim, and Agoria's Laurent Hellebaut, Chair of the Orgalim Waste Task Force).

Climate change is a reality and time is running out to take action and stay on track with the Paris targets. We can still win the race – and efficient, sustainable use of resources has a big part to play.

As Orgalim Director for Energy, Climate & Environment Sigrid Linher explained in her E-Waste Day message (below): “‘Doing more with less’ is the ambition of the EU tech producers represented by Orgalim - from reducing raw material input, to energy efficiency, substituting critical raw materials or hazardous substances where better alternatives exist, up to repairing, reusing or remanufacturing equipment. And finally, when an appliance has reached its end of life, it needs to be properly collected, treated and recycled so that quality materials can re-enter the loop.”

International E-Waste Day is a wakeup call that a circular economy can only exist if each of us plays our part.

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