Orgalime has published its Annual Report 2016-2017!

12 June 2017

The Orgalime Annual Report 2016-2017 ...

The Orgalime Annual Report 2016-2017 is now available online!

As the representative association for the European engineering industry, Orgalime works with policymakers to shape and promote a coordinated approach to industrial strategy - one that connects the dots between the myriad EU policies affecting our firms.

Our aim? To ensure Europe maintains a competitive manufacturing base that will provide economic stability and employment for years to come.

It has been a mixed year for European manufacturers - the digitisation revolution has shifted up a gear, but political uncertainty threatens to impact investment. Yet, the EU engineering industry continues to go from strength to strength, creating jobs and driving growth. We believe that we can do even better, if the right framework is put in place.

The Orgalime Annual Report reviews our activities over the past year - focusing on areas ranging from industrial policy, internal market and trade, to R&D, energy, environment policy and sector-specific issues. To read the full report, visit our interactive online platform.

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