Orgalime General Assembly: laying the foundation for the future

16 November 2018

The Orgalime General Assembly convene...

The Orgalime General Assembly convened on 14 November, as member associations representing Europe’s technology industries came together in Brussels to discuss key decisions for the coming year and beyond.

The Orgalime General Assembly convened on 14 November, as member associations representing Europe’s technology industries came together in Brussels to discuss key decisions for the coming year and beyond.

One item on the agenda was the appointment of a new Chairman of the General Assembly and Board of Directors, as current Chair Peter Bongaerts – CEO of Dutch association FME – will step down from the role at the end of the year. Members voted for Thilo Brodtmann, CEO of German mechanical engineering federation VDMA, to take the reins from 1 January 2019. Klas Wåhlberg, Director General of Swedish association Teknikföretagen, was appointed Vice-Chairman to take effect also as of 1 January. 

Moreover, the General Assembly appointed four new members to the Board of Directors: Juan Ramón Durán (CEO of SERCOBE, Spain), Adolf Kerbl (co-CEO of FMTI, Austria), Darius Lasionis (CEO of LINPRA, Lithuania) and Benoît Lavigne (CEO of FIEEC, France).

The General Assembly also formally approved Orgalime’s direction for the coming year. This follows intense discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing the technology industries at this crucial moment for Europe, with European Parliament elections approaching in the spring. Orgalime’s members have been working on an approach that will be fit for the future, with the aim of maximising the contribution of our industries to Europe’s economy and society towards 2030 and beyond.

The General Assembly also formally ap...

Thilo Brodtmann (left) will start as the new Chairman and Klas Wåhlberg (right) as Vice-Chairman of the General Assembly and Board of Directors on 1 January 2019.

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