Orgalim welcomes the proposal on the revision of the Construction Products Regulation

31 March 2022

Orgalim welcomes the proposal on the revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) adopted on 30 March by the European Commission.  

In particular, we welcome the Commiss...

In particular, we welcome the Commission’s aims for the new Construction Products Regulation to strengthen the Single Market to facilitate the free movement of construction products, improve the coherence with the proposal for a Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products and maximise the potential of digitalisation, particularly to reduce administrative burden.

"Our companies have all to gain from simpler harmonised rules that strengthen the Single Market for construction products, this will be especially beneficial to the many SMEs among Europe’s technology industries,"  said Malte Lohan, Orgalim Director General.

To achieve the aims of the Regulation, we draw attention to the following:

  • We expect that the proposal on the revision of the CPR will alleviate some of the implementation difficulties that have been identified for the current regulation and that the proposal will ensure legal clarity, simplification and reinforce the credibility of the harmonised system. Therefore, we are concerned to see additional technical documentation requirements for affixing the CE marking.

  • We welcome the alignment of the revised Regulation to the EU Strategy on Standardisation. The good functioning of the European Standardisation System is an essential component of the Internal Market. However, we are concerned about the possibility that the Commission could adopt technical specifications through delegated acts in case of perceived delays or deficiencies in the standardisation process. Unless such an empowerment is limited to clearly justified cases, we feel that these new provisions will diminish the market relevance of standardisation and reduce the motivation of standardisation experts.

  Our companies have all to gain from simpler harmonised rules that strengthen the Single Market for construction products, this will be especially beneficial to the many SMEs among Europe’s technology industries. 

Malte Lohan

The proposal on the revision of the Construction Products Regulation is part of the European Green Deal proposals to make sustainable products the norm in the EU, boost circular business models and empower consumers for the green transition. Orgalim’s comments on the proposal for a Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products are available here.

Orgalim's contribution to the revision of the Construction Products Regulation up to today is available in our position paper 'Orgalim views on shaping a Regulation on Construction Products that strengthens the internal market' published in May 2019, 'Orgalim reaction - Commission Staff Working Document on the CPR Evaluation study' and 'Orgalim comments to the 2020 public consultation on the review of the Construction Products Regulation'.

We will continue to work closely with policymakers to ensure that the Construction Products Regulation will provide the best possible conditions for construction products industries as well as for Europe’s economy.


To know more about Orgalim’s work on the Construction Product Regulation, please contact Helena Le Goff-Jedrzejowicz, Adviser - Internal Market.

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