Orgalim welcomes the European Parliament’s own-initiative report on the new Circular Economy Action Plan

10 February 2021

Representing Europe’s technology indu...

Representing Europe’s technology industries, Orgalim welcomes the newly adopted European Parliament’s own-initiative report on the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) giving direction to the Commission for implementing the CEAP actions.

"Optimising the use of resources throughout the economy makes environmental and economic sense and contributes to renewing EU industrial global leadership", commented Malte Lohan, Orgalim Director General. "With the right measures, the new Circular Economy Action Plan can catalyse our industries’ ability to generate sustainable growth and prosperity."

Europe’s technology industries strongly support in particular the following points underlined in the report from the European Parliament:

  • Improving the functioning of the internal market is a precondition for achieving a circular economy within the EU

  • Importance of proper implementation and effective enforcement of existing rules

  • Need for policy coherence across existing and future measures at EU and Member State level

  • Call to the Commission to base each legislative proposal on a comprehensive impact assessment

  • Need to engage European industry as a stakeholder in the transition to a more circular economy

  • Strengthen the opportunities to combine circular economy solutions with digitalisation

  • Create a properly functioning EU market for secondary raw materials

  • Establish mandatory criteria and targets for green public procurement​​​​​​​

To help ensure that the new Circular Economy Action Plan achieves its goals, we would draw particular attention to the position and recommendations of Europe’s technology industries on widening the scope of the Ecodesign Directive, digital product passports, reducing carbon and environmental footprints and recycled content in products, which can be found on pages 4 – 10 of our​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Position Paper on the CEAP. For more information, please see Orgalim Position Paper on the new Circular Economy Action Plan and the Executive Summary.

As reminder, in March 2020 Orgalim welcomed the new Circular Economy Action Plan published by the European Commission, which will play a crucial role in achieving the European Green Deal’s overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral by 2050. And in December 2020, we gave our support to the Council Conclusions "Making the recovery circular and green".

Orgalim looks forward to working with European institutions and all stakeholders on the next steps towards implementing the CEAP actions and building a thriving circular economy.

To find out more about Orgalim’s work on the circular economy, please contact Stéphanie Mittelham, Manager Energy and Environment.

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