Orgalim welcomes the appointment of Executive Vice President Dombrovskis to lead the European Union’s trade portfolio

7 October 2020

Orgalim welcomes the appointment...

Orgalim welcomes the appointment of Executive Vice President Mr Dombrovskis to lead the European Union’s trade agenda, at a critical time for our industries.

Representing over a third of the EU’s manufactured exports, Europe’s technology industries are strongly export-oriented and depend on international trade for their success.

As a close partner to DG Trade, Orgalim stands ready to continue our active engagement in the relevant trade policy files to help define the right political framework for a strong trade agenda. An important part of that is stakeholder engagement and we call on EVP Dombrovskis to support the start of a new trade expert group on trade agreements to further an inclusive dialogue.  

We look forward to advancing our close and productive relationship with  Executive Vice President Dombrovskis, to help maintain European industry’s leadership in the global competitiveness race.

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