Orgalim statement on the outcome of the EU-US summit

16 June 2021

Yesterday’s EU-US summit was an impor...

Yesterday’s EU-US summit was an important opportunity to renew the cooperation between two strong trading partners. Orgalim welcomes yesterday’s decisions on a wide range of topics we had put forward as critical to Europe’s technology industries

In this context, Orgalim; 

  • Welcomes yesterday’s agreement on the Airbus-Boeing dispute suspending tariffs for 5 years and reiterates our call for a permanent solution to the Airbus-Boeing dispute;

  • Welcomes the set-up of a working group to work on the steel tariffs and we advocate for a permanent solution;

  • Welcomes cooperation on WTO reform;

  • Welcomes the creation of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) to facilitate trade, develop compatible industry-led standards and promote innovation and digital technologies, such as AI;

  • Welcomes the creation of the EU-U.S. High-level Climate Action Group to tackle climate change, promote green growth and discuss a global framework for taxonomy and C02 global pricing;

  • Welcomes the creation of the joint COVID Manufacturing and Supply Chain Taskforce to tackle the pharmaceutical production capacities.

We call on both sides to continue focusing on reinvigorating a strong and productive relationship and to implement the agreements reached yesterday. Orgalim, on behalf of Europe’s technology industries, stands ready to support these actions to strengthen our transatlantic relations.

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