Orgalim launches technology industries’ Manifesto for a European Agenda on Industrial AI

21 January 2020

A headline priority of new European C...

A headline priority of new European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and her team is working to ensure Europe is fit for the digital age. One of its first tasks in this regard is presenting a European approach on artificial intelligence (AI) in the first 100 days of the Commission’s mandate.

Representing the technology companies spearheading the development of industrial AI, Orgalim has now published its ‘Manifesto for a European Agenda on Industrial AI’ – calling on policymakers at EU and national level to prioritise action in support of Europe’s technology industries as providers of world-leading trustworthy AI solutions for the global market. Europe is already strong in industrial AI, and an enabling framework for future tech development will be key to building on these strengths and securing our competitive edge. And the benefits will reach far beyond the technology industries themselves: by powering digital transformation across sectors, AI can drive economic growth while enabling new solutions to challenges in areas from energy to healthcare to mobility and beyond.

Informed by the perspective and insights of industry experts working in AI across Europe, our manifesto makes concrete recommendations for a strategy focused on trustworthy AI, addressing both the ethical and industrial dimensions and enshrined in a human-centric approach. These recommendations centre around four areas: a strong Internal Market and legal framework; accompanying measures such as investment in R&D and capital, innovation, skills; fostering trust through ethics, privacy, security and dialogue; and ensuring a strong global outlook.

Check out the high-level summary of our recommendations below, and read our position paper to get the full picture.

For more information, contact Christoph Luykx, Director of Innovation and Digital Transformation at Orgalim.

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