Orgalim joins the Commission’s Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group

24 June 2020

Orgalim will participate today to the...

Orgalim will participate today to the first meeting of the Commission’s Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG), which has been foreseen by the EU Cybersecurity Act. This newly established group will advise the Commission on strategic issues regarding the European cybersecurity certification framework. It will also assist the Commission in the preparation of the Union rolling work programme, which sets the priorities for the definition of schemes within the EU cybersecurity certification framework.

The SCCG is composed of representatives from 50 organisations, representing a broad range of interests. Christoph Luykx, Orgalim's Policy Director, will represent Europe’s technology industries for a renewable three years term.  

This week also marks the first year anniversary of the EU Cybersecurity Act, which provides ENISA with a permanent mandate, increased responsibilities and more resources. The EU cybersecurity certification framework, also established under the CSA, allows for the creation of market-driven EU certification schemes and helps reduce fragmentation between existing cyber certification schemes. It will deliver certification schemes recognised in all Member States, making it easier for businesses to trade across borders and for users to understand the security features of products or services.

Europe’s technology industries are committed to contributing to the work of the European Union to build the necessary cybersecurity culture and capabilities to respond to the very real and ever-changing cyber threats and cyber-attacks. We recognise cybersecurity is a key component for all connected products, solutions and processes, themselves crucial for the continued growth of Europe's economy and society. We advocate for a holistic approach to cybersecurity policy to facilitate data sharing among industries and pave the way to data-driven innovations

"The work of the SCCG will be decisive to build a true European single market for cybersecurity," Christoph Luykx says. "We look forward to working closely with all stakeholders and contribute to making Europe, and its industries, fit for the digital age."

Read the Commission press release here.

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