Orgalim appointed to the European Data Innovation Board (EDIB)

18 December 2023

Orgalim is proud to announce that we ...

Orgalim is proud to announce that we have been appointed as a member of the European Data Innovation Board (EDIB). The EDIB is a new body established under the Data Governance Act to advise the European Commission on the implementation of its data strategy. 

In recent years, various industrial and legislative initiatives have brought deep changes to the data economy, which have yet to be fully absorbed by the market. The EDIB is expected to play an important role in supporting this transition. In particular, the EDIB will propose guidelines for European data spaces, including on standards for sectoral and cross-sectoral interoperability, governance, stakeholder participation and protection of international data transfers. It is also expected to share best practices among authorities and provide advice on data intermediation, data altruism and the international regulatory environment for non-personal data.

Daniel Wennick, Orgalim’s Policy Director, said: Orgalim sees the industrial data economy as an essential driver of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable growth for Europe’s technology industries, especially for advanced manufacturing and electrification. We welcome the opportunity to bring the voice of technology manufacturers to the table at the EDIB.”

  Orgalim sees the industrial data economy as an essential driver of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable growth for Europe’s technology industries, especially for advanced manufacturing and electrification.  

Daniel Wennick

Supporting industry-driven initiatives related to the industrial metaverse, such as digital twins for industrial products and manufacturing processes, digital product passport solutions and standards, and manufacturing data spaces is among Orgalim’s key priorities for a policy agenda that delivers the net-zero transformation.

Mr. Sicco Lehmann-Brauns, Senior Director of Innovation Policy at Orgalim member Siemens AG and expert in technology and innovation policy, who will represent Orgalim on the EDIB, said:.

“Industrial assets such as modern factories, generate terabytes of data every day. This data can be used in industry to improve value creation, competitiveness and sustainability. The EDIB offers the opportunity to set the framework conditions right in order to scale data-based value creation and to ramp up the European data economy.”

  The EDIB offers the opportunity to set the framework conditions right in order to scale data-based value creation and to ramp up the European data economy. 

Mr. Sicco Lehmann-Brauns

Europe must retain and expand its position in the global transition to advanced manufacturing in order to stay a key player at international level. As recently highlighted by Orgalim’s Executive Forum for Advanced Manufacturing, one of the most important ways to do this is by supporting functional and scalable manufacturing data spaces that convey trust in the security of the data being exchanged, protecting trade secrets and intellectual property while maintaining an international reach. In that context is essential for the EU to support industrial initiatives like Manufacturing-X and Catena-X.

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