New European Parliament up and running

15 July 2019

The European Parliament plenary is co...

The European Parliament plenary is convening in Strasbourg this week, its first session since appointing its new President, Vice Presidents and Committee Chairs. Needless to say all eyes will be on the vote to elect the next President of the European Commission on Tuesday evening. Yet Members will also be debating a range of issues and holding a number of votes, as they kick off the ordinary parliamentary business of the 9th legislative term.

Overseeing proceedings will be David Sassoli, an Italian MEP from the S&D Group who has been elected President of the Parliament for a term of 2.5 years. During constitutive meetings last week, the Parliament’s Committees also elected their respective Chairs for the next two and a half years. Most relevant for Orgalim are the committees responsible for shaping the EU framework within which Europe’s technology industries innovate and do business. In particular, these include:

- Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE): This committee is tasked with much of the legislative work underpinning the EU’s industrial policy - from research and innovation policy including the next Framework Programme Horizon Europe to EU energy policy. For the current term the ITRE Committee has elected Adina-Ioana Vălean (Romania / EPP) as its Chair.

- Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO): The companies Orgalim represents have built their success on the foundation of the EU Internal Market - so we closely follow the work of the Parliament’s IMCO Committee, which is responsible for key files such as compliance and enforcement legislation, harmonisation legislation, and many topics around the Digital Single Market agenda. Petra De Sutter (Greens/EFA / Belgium) has been elected the IMCO Chair for the coming 2.5 year term.

- Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI): Pascal Canfin (Renew Europe / France) has been elected Chair of this committee, which works on a number of issues of key importance for our sectors including environmental sustainability, waste policy and substance policy.

- International Trade (INTA): The INTA Committee is where the European Parliament debates all matters related to trade between the EU and other parts of the world. As the industries we represent are responsible for one third of the EU’s manufactured exports, we support the Parliament’s efforts to deliver an ambitious international trade policy. Bernd Lange (S&D / Germany) has been re-elected as INTA Chair.

"On behalf of Orgalim, I would like to warmly congratulate President Sassoli and the Committee Chairs on their election," commented Orgalim Director General Malte Lohan. "We look forward to working with them and their colleagues at this decisive moment for the EU. Close collaboration between MEPs and industry will be key to putting in place a framework that helps Europe's technology companies continue innovating to foster growth and solve challenges in areas from climate change and healthcare to energy and mobility. Together we can shape a future that’s good for Europe's economy and for the wellbeing of all Europeans."


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