Joining forces to shape a future that’s good: EFM connecting industry and MEPs in Strasbourg

18 September 2019

Industry has a central role to play in shaping a future that’s good for Europe – and by strengthening collaboration with EU policymakers, it can maximise the benefits for Europe’s citizens. This was the main takeaway from the European Forum for Manufacturing (EFM) event ‘A vision for European industry until 2030’ that took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 17 September. Kicking off the new legislative period ahead of the appointment of the European Commission in November, the evening brought together leading representatives of EU industry and MEPs working on the legislative issues that will make or break Europe’s competitiveness over the next decade. 

As a member of EFM, Orgalim was a partner to the event, joined by fellow sponsors Applia, CECE, CEMA, CLEPA, Volvo and Wind Europe.

Speakers such as EFM President MEP Danuta Hübner, MEP Reinhard Bütikofer and MEP Martina Dlabajová stressed the value of a strong, competitive industrial base for the European economy, highlighting the added value of EU collaboration to give Europe an edge on the global stage.

Speaking on behalf of the industry representatives present, Orgalim Director General Malte Lohan made the case for taking a fresh look at industry’s contribution to Europe’s future.

The event provided a platform for dialogue between policymakers and company representatives, prompting lively exchanges on the priorities for a future EU industrial strategy. It also marked the launch of a new series of EFM sessions, with the next already scheduled for 25 September at the European Parliament in Brussels, co-organised by Orgalim. On the agenda: ‘Enabling European industry’s global leadership’ – a topic that will be top of mind for policymakers looking to answer the EU’s most pressing challenges over the next five years.

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