Join us at EU Industry Day: Orgalime to host ‘Digital meets Energy Union meets Circular Economy’ workshop on 22 February

6 February 2018

Following the success of the first ev...

Following the success of the first ever EU Industry Day last year, the European Commission has announced that the 2018 event will be held in Brussels on 22 and 23 February. Spanning two full days, it will once again attract leading figures from the worlds of industry and policy with a programme designed to spark debate on the future of European manufacturing. 

This year’s EU Industry Day will feature keynotes from Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Vice-Presidents Jyrki Katainen and Maroš Šefčovič, and Commissioners Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Carlos Moedas. In addition, a diverse programme of stakeholder workshops will be organised on key industry trends – and Orgalime has been selected to host one of these sessions.   

Scheduled from 4.30 to 6.00 pm on 22 February, Orgalime’s workshop will tackle three of the biggest topics in engineering and tech today: digitisation, the energy transition and the move towards a circular economy. Entitled ‘Digital meets Energy Union meets Circular Economy: what’s in it for Europeans?’, the session will showcase how investment into digital, low-carbon, energy-efficiency or resource-efficiency technologies can create new opportunities for citizens, employees and industry.

Innovative use cases from three industry speakers will demonstrate how these transformative trends are already delivering benefits to Europeans – and an interactive panel debate will investigate how to maximise the opportunities on offer, with the participation of representatives from the EU institutions, trade union IndustriALL and consumer association BEUC.


Draft programme:

16.30 Opening of the event: Malte Lohan, Director General, Orgalime

16.35 Keynote speech: Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit, DG Energy, European Commission


16.45 Part 1: Showcasing examples of smart, innovative and sustainable technologies and their benefits for all Europeans

16.45  Smart Buildings, Jean-Jacques MARCHAIS, Chairman ORGALIME Energy Working Group / SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

16.50  Digital Manufacturing, Naemi DENZ, Member of the Executive Board, VDMA

16.55  Smart Appliances, Viktor SUNDBERG, Vice President, ELECTROLUX


17.00   Part 2: Panel debate “Investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable Industry: what’s in it for      Europeans?” and “How to embrace digital opportunities for addressing societal challenges”?


            Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit, DG Energy, European Commission

            Luc Triangle, Director General IndustriAll

            Monique Goyens, Director General BEUC

            Jean-Jacques Marchais, Chairman Orgalime Energy Working Group/Schneider Electric 

            Naemi Denz, Member of the Executive Board, VDMA 

            Viktor Sundberg, Vice President ELECTROLUX

17.50  Concluding remarks: Tomas Hedenborg, President, Orgalime


We hope you can join us for our workshop in Brussels on 22 February. And if you can’t make it in person, follow us on Twitter to join the conversation online: the interactive format means you can tweet your questions and feedback to our panellists throughout the session.

For more information on the theme of the workshop, contact Sigrid Linher, Director Energy & Environment at firstname.lastname(at)

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