Introducing the "European Industrial Strategy in Focus" event series

22 May 2020

The future of the EU lies in its abil...

The future of the EU lies in its ability to create a healthy, prosperous, sustainable, and safe Europe for its citizens. Industry will continue to play a central role as the backbone of Europe’s ability to achieve these goals. Close engagement between policy makers and industrialists is more than ever critical.

The ‘European Industrial Strategy in Focus’ series provide a platform for discussion and engagement among key stakeholders, focusing on the central policy issues at the core of a forward-looking industrial strategy: from a sustainable industrial recovery, to digital transformation and the Green Deal, discussing the concrete policy choices impacting Europe’s technology industries and how they can respond to the challenges ahead.

Each event in the series will gather relevant experts for a 60-90 minutes roundtable to debate and issue concrete policy recommendations on a topic central to Europe's industrial strategy.

We are happy to announce the first four roundtables of this series, two of which are open for registrations:

  • Strengthening the Internal Market – time for a ‘New Deal’ for European standardisation? 2 June, 10.00 - 11.00 / More information and registration here

  • Globalisation, ecosystems and the EU's industrial strategy after COVID-19 / 4 June, 10.00 - 11.00, virtual event / More information and registration here

  • Industrial AI and its impact on existing legislation / Autumn 2020

  • A circular economy supporting Europe’s Green Deal climate ambition / Autumn 2020

Full details are available on our events page.

If you have any questions about this series or a specific event contact our communications team. 


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