Industrial Forum: Maintaining Europe's lead in Advanced Manufacturing

21 September 2022

At the 5th plenary meeting of the EU Industrial Forum today, Orgalim's Director General Malte Lohan presented the work of the Forum’s Task Force 5, which Orgalim co-curates together with CECIMO.

The Industrial Forum was set up to ad...

The Industrial Forum was set up to advise the European Commission in realising the green and digital transition while reinforcing European industries’ global competitiveness and resilience. Work is being driven by five Task Forces to deliver on these ambitious objectives and Task Force 5 focuses specifically on accelerating the uptake of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes by EU industry.  

"The importance of maintaining our European lead on Advanced Manufacturing is even higher now than when we started, with the energy crisis and global decoupling fundamentally redrawing the competitive landscape," said Malte Lohan. "Advanced Manufacturing is how we come out stronger on the other side." 

  The importance of maintaining our European lead on Advanced Manufacturing is even higher now than when we started 

Malte Lohan

Much of the work of the Task Force has already been completed and Forum members heard about the approach taken, and the emerging themes of the policy recommendations being developed. The Task Force is due to deliver its final report by the end of this year.  

Also on the agenda of today's plenary session, members of the Forum discussed the proposed emergency measures for the energy sector, and the upcoming Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan.  

Orgalim President Rada Rodriguez welcomed the action on digitalisation of the energy sector, which has been a key Orgalim priority for some time and for which our technologies are key. She also noted Orgalim’s concern thatmeasures designed for dealing with crises must not fundamentally change the open, market-driven economy which is central to Europe’s competitive strengths.  

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