Europe’s Cybersecurity Challenge: Regulatory fragmentation

2 June 2021

Orgalim’s Policy Director Christoph L...

Orgalim’s Policy Director Christoph Luykx joined the European Cyber Security for Manufacturing Summit to highlight the challenges of cybersecurity in the policy landscape, particularly the risk of regulatory fragmentation.

The summit, organised in partnership with Orgalim, brought together manufacturing security leaders from across Europe to explore cybersecurity strategies in the context of increased digitalisation, and discuss the best practices to build resilience, mitigate risks, and combat existing threats.

Implementing a coherent regulatory framework is essential to protect Europe against cybersecurity threats and strengthen the EU’s Single Market. Ultimately, this will be key to maintain our manufacturing leadership: “It’s clear that we need to get cybersecurity right if we want to continue to lead the advanced manufacturing space,” Luykx mentioned.

  We need to get cybersecurity right to continue to lead the advanced manufacturing space. 

Christoph Luykx

As Luykx pointed out, the current legal initiatives in place risk leading to regulatory fragmentation with overlapping and contradicting requirements for manufacturers, and reiterated Orgalim’s call for a horizontal legislation on cybersecurity for networkable products within the New Legislative Framework.

You can watch the session below or by clicking here.

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