European Forum for Manufacturing – connecting MEPs with industry

7 August 2019

From 16 to 19 September the European Parliament will hold its first plenary session in Strasbourg following the summer break, and the first since the election of the next Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. As MEPs look ahead to the coming legislative term, they will be keenly focused on how to deliver on the priorities that matter most to the citizens they represent. Industry will be a key partner in this endeavor of shaping a future that’s good for Europe.  

From 16 to 19 September the European ...

To kick off this collaboration with the new Parliament, the European Forum for Manufacturing (EFM) is set to host a reception in Strasbourg on 17 September on ‘A vision for European industry until 2030’. The aim is to connect MEPs with leading representatives of industry at EU level. As a member of EFM, Orgalim is a partner to the event, joined by fellow sponsors Applia, CECE, CEMA, CLEPA, Volvo and Wind Europe. MEP Danuta Hübner, President of EFM, will host the evening, with MEPs Martina Dlabajova and Reinhard Bütikofer both confirmed as speakers at the event. They will be joined by MEPs from the committees that play a key role in shaping the EU legislative framework for industry: from Industry, Research & Energy, to Internal Market and Consumer Protection, to International Trade.

Established in 2009, the EFM aims to support EU policymaking in ensuring that European industry remains a leader in global competitiveness and addressing societal and environmental challenges. It is a non-partisan, cross-party and pan-European platform for the exchange of information, identification of issues and furthering of understanding around key policy areas impacting industry and society – primarily through the organisation of roundtable discussions connecting industry representatives with EU policymakers.

The reception on 17 September will provide an opportunity to meet and exchange views on the road ahead, in advance of the first EFM-Orgalim roundtable event of this parliamentary session, which will take place in Brussels on 25 September: ‘Enabling European industry’s global leadership’.

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