The European Files: which industrial strategy for Europe?
8 May 2019
Just weeks to go before the European Parliament elections, all eyes are on the future of EU – with many asking what role industry will play in shaping that future for the benefit of Europe’s economy and society.
The latest special edition of the European Files magazine – ‘The future of Europe: which industrial strategy?’ – zooms in on this question, featuring contributions from French President Emmanuel Macron, German Economic Minister Peter Altmaier, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, the Spitzenkandidat MEPs seeking to become the next European Commission President, and a number of representatives from industry and civil society.
The issue also includes an interview with Orgalim Director General Malte Lohan, who discusses the technology industries’ vision for a renewed Europe by 2030 and how the right industrial strategy can help make it a reality.
Click here to read Malte Lohan’s interview directly, or download the full issue from the European Files website.
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