European Climate Law - Achieving climate neutrality by 2050
4 March 2020
Orgalim welcomes today’s proposal of a Climate Law, under the Green Deal, giving legal force to the objective of climate neutrality by 2050. As outlined in our position paper of December 2019 on the Green Deal, EU carbon neutrality should be an opportunity for industry to bring the benefits of clean energy and climate transition to EU citizens.
To achieve results, we need to provide legal and regulatory certainty, as well as incentives for Europe’s technology industries to continue investing in clean tech innovation and deployment. As the Commission also rolls out other parts of the Green Deal, such as the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), Orgalim is advocating strong coordination of the various objectives.
“We call on the Commission, the European Parliament and all Member States to join forces and focus their efforts on proposing concrete measures to turn this global challenge into both an opportunity and a competitive advantage for EU industry,” comments Malte Lohan, Orgalim Director General. “This will pave the way to delivering the benefits EU citizens are asking for.”
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