Cyber Resilience Act: A crucial step forward

15 September 2022

Orgalim welcomes the publication of the Cyber Resilience Act by the European Commission, and fully supports the goals it lays down.

Since 2020, Orgalim has been calling ...

Since 2020, Orgalim has been calling for a horizontal legislation on cybersecurity for networkable products under the New Legislative Framework. With the steady rise of cyberattacks and hackings, together with an economy and society that increasingly relies on digital solutions and technologies to innovate, we need a common European solution that further reinforces cyber resilience and security. Therefore, we believe that a coherent regulatory framework to cover the cybersecurity of connected products, in order to protect consumers, is of utmost importance.

“For two years, Orgalim has been calling for a horizontal cybersecurity legislation for connected products under the New Legislative Framework. Today’s publication of the Cyber Resilience Act marks a crucial step in ensuring that our economies, and most importantly European citizens, will be better protected when using digital products,” says Orgalim's Director General Malte Lohan.

We will work closely with policymakers to make certain that the Cyber Resilience Act will protect European consumers and ensure a smooth functioning of Europe’s Single Market.

  Today’s publication of the Cyber Resilience Act marks a crucial step in ensuring that our economies, and most importantly European citizens, will be better protected when using digital products. 

Malte Lohan
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