Commission’s Digital Package: roadmap towards Europe’s digital future

19 February 2020

European Commission President Ursula ...

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has made it a core mission of her team’s mandate to “make Europe fit for the digital age”. And today marks a major step towards that goal, as the Commission published a raft of documents focused on its digital priorities for Europe in the months ahead: a White Paper on "Artificial Intelligence - A European approach to excellence and trust", a Report on the safety and liability implications of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics, a Communication on "A European Strategy for Data", and a Communication on "Shaping Europe's digital future".


“Today’s strategies released by the new Commission set a course to unlock the value of digital transformation for Europe’s economy and society, while building on Europe’s core strength – its industrial base,” comments Malte Lohan, Orgalim Director General. “For the technology industries, digital and data are already major pillars of our competitiveness and will only grow in importance in the future. In particular, we support the strong focus on the EU data framework and AI. If we get it right, this could further strengthen our industries’ global leadership. Any specific proposals will need to be carefully assessed to ensure they strike the right balance.”

Working in close collaboration with its member associations across Europe, Orgalim has been active in putting forward recommendations on how to shape this enabling framework to allow the EU to fully tap into the potential of digital. On data, our recent position paper zoomed in on the future ecosystem for industrial data, outlining what is needed to achieve a common European data space for smart manufacturing – addressing priorities ranging from data sharing and protection, to liability, cybersecurity and the role of competition law. And when it comes to AI, we published in January our Manifesto on Industrial AI, calling on policymakers at EU and national level to prioritise action in support of Europe’s technology industries as providers of world-leading trustworthy AI solutions for the global market. Taken as a whole, our work in this area supports our ambition for Europe to ‘embrace the innovation-led transformation of European industry’ – a key pillar of Orgalim’s strategic agenda ‘2030: an industry vision for a renewed Europe’. 

For more information on Orgalim’s work on digital transformation and data in the technology industries, please contact Christoph Luykx, Policy Director.

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