COVID-19 - Suggestions for prioritisation of the Commission’s work in 2020

27 April 2020

In these difficult times Europe’s ind...

In these difficult times Europe’s industry plays a crucial role in supporting society’s needs. We are therefore calling on Europe’s leaders to prioritise helping our industries, of which 90% are SMEs, to recover from the current crisis.

The table hereafter lists Europe's technology industries' suggestions for a review of the European Commission’s work for 2020, including the current Work Programme, so that the focus is on those actions that directly support the EU’s recovery. 

We call for a political framework that supports the ability for our industries to focus all required resources on the immediate challenges of the recovery from the crisis, so that a solid and sustainable industrial basis can be rebuilt and our long-term competitiveness can be reinforced.

We strongly support the Green Deal and the Digital actions as anchors for the recovery, including the Green Deal’s current timelines. With regards to making Europe fit for the digital age, we are asking for a focus on those actions where our members believe the strongest progress can be made in 2020. 

Our suggestions are divided into three parts:

  • Urgent requests concerning postponement of implementation of legislation, in red in the table hereafter

  • Work Programme 2020 specific requests for prioritisation, in yellow in the table hereafter

  • Broader areas we believe the European Commission should focus on, to support the recovery (WP2020, 2021, or broader horizontal areas), in green in the table hereafter

We continue to receive input from our members daily, and will update the table continuously.

If you have questions or would like to talk to a member of the team, please do get in touch:

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