Trade: Joint statement by European business on the recast of the EU Regulation on Dual-Use Export Controls

Published: 29 January 2020

Policies & Issues: Trade

European companies recognise the need to review the EU Regulation on Dual-Use Export Controls (Regulation 428/2009). In this regard, it is essential that the Regulation strikes the right balance between security considerations and imposing unnecessary restrictions on European companies which would lead to an unwanted competitive disadvantage for the European industry in the midst of an important technology shift. 

As the EU Regulation on Dual-Use Export Controls applies directly to the members of our associations, Orgalim, together with six industry associations, would like to express a number of key concerns and would like to welcome several positive proposals in the context of the ongoing tripartite meetings (‘trilogues’) between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission.

Read the full statement by downloading the document above. 


Silvia Selandari
Senior Adviser - Trade and Legal

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