Steel Using Industries - Joint Statement on the EU Steel Safeguard Investigation

Published: 6 December 2018

Policies & Issues: Trade

This coalition of downstream users of steel – including the automotive, technology industries, electricity transmission and distribution equipment, construction equipment, wind energy, agriculture machinery, home appliance, and packaging sectors – express their continued concern regarding the steel safeguard investigation launched in March and the subsequent provisional measures adopted in July. 

The European steel industry is a key business partner in all our sectors. It is vital for us that the steel industry does well to maintain stability in our supply chains. 

We once again urge the European Commission to take into account the interest of the downstream steel users when it makes a decision on definitive measures. The current union interest analysis insufficiently addresses the economic impact for many end-user industries.

Download the position paper to read our views in full.


Silvia Selandari
Senior Adviser - Trade and Legal

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