The role of customs and market surveillance authorities in the fight against counterfeiting & piracy - Revision of Regulation Com - 1383/2003
Published: 4 June 2010
Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement
Counterfeiting and piracy of both industrial and consumer goods are increasingly posing a critical challenge for the European and world economies and also, in the engineering industries sector, for the safety of consumers and workers.
In recent years Orgalime has campaigned in favour of a determined fight against counterfeiting and piracy and has welcomed initiatives from the European Commission and other international organisations supporting anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy measures.
Orgalime welcomes the Commission consultation on the Council Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 and sees this as an opportunity for the EU to truly make a difference in protecting its borders and markets from counterfeit and pirated goods.