Request for higher engagement of the OECD in the fight against counterfeiting
Orgalime letter to Commissioners Mandelson & Verheugen
Counterfeiting of consumer and industrial goods is a significant and increasing problem for European consumers and industry. Orgalime, has always been active in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy and has welcomed all initiatives from international organisations supporting anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy measures. Given the size of the problem of counterfeiting on a worldwide scale, we feel that all parties involved should attach more importance to ensuring that the fight against counterfeit products should be high on the agenda of all multilateral trade contacts and fora.
Please see below a letter sent to Commissioners Mandelson, Verheugen and Kovacs and the Secretary General of the OECD, Donald J. Johnston expressing support for the OECD's involvement in this fight and encouraging the organisation to step up its work in this area, which we feel can only strengthen our efforts to combat a problem with worldwide repercussions.