Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting out the requirements for Accreditation & Market Surveillance relating to the Marketing of Products 2007/0029 (COD)
Published: 20 April 2007
Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement
Orgalime welcomes this proposal of Regulation on accreditation and market surveillance and the closely related Decision on the common framework for the marketing of products: they are a further step towards improving public trust in the internal market, which is key to both consumer confidence in the products they buy and to the confidence that companies should be entitled to have when operating on a level playing field for manufacturing and placing their products on the EU market.
While mutual recognition is about building trust among Member States in each other’s proficiency to control the market, full harmonisation is about achieving the trust of economic operators, their customers and public authorities on the basis of a common and efficient framework. Market surveillance is important not only for protecting health, safety or the environment, but also for ensuring a level playing field between manufacturers and other economic operators placing products on the EU single market.