Recasting of Directive 2002/91/EC on the Energy Performance of Buildings
Orgalime is committed to contribute to the achievement of the EU’s targets of 20 % energy efficiency improvement, 20 % greenhouse gas emission reductions, and 20 % share of renewables by 2020.
In the framework of the ELECTRA High Level Experts Group, our industry has in cooperation with the European Commission and other stakeholders, developed a series of recommendations for realising these targets, which, if implemented render these targets achievable. The buildings sector has attracted particular attention in the ELECTRA work considering its high potential for energy efficiency improvements. We therefore agree with the emphasis of the consultation document placed on the scale of potential carbon savings that can be achieved from buildings and that it is an essential sector to address.
Notwithstanding the long and difficult transposition process of the EPBD by Member States in their national building regulations and construction practices, it has brought very significant changes and has framed the energy efficiency actions of the building sector. However, more needs to be done to explore the full potential of possible energy savings.
We therefore also support the main motivation for recasting the Directive that is to ensure that the potential for cost effective energy efficiency improvements is realised.