Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package: No need to rush

Published: 26 February 2014

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

In the coming month, Members of the European Parliament will likely be invited to vote in first reading on the Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package which includes the European Commission’s proposals for Regulations on Market Surveillance for Products (MSPR) and Consumer Product Safety (CPSR).
The whole package is for the moment blocked in the Council, due to split views on whether the suggested mandatory marking of origin improves consumer safety and product traceability (Art. 7 of the CPSR). Most Orgalime members are against such marking which we believe plays no role in improving consumer safety or product traceability, but adds costs for most manufacturers. Therefore we urge the European Parliament to delete Article 7 before proceeding to the adoption of its first reading.
However, we have many more sources of concerns with both Commission proposals as amended by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) on the 25 October 2013.
Therefore, we call on the European Parliament to reject the adoption of the IMCO reports. This could trigger a better inter-institutional compromise for the benefit of all stakeholders, including consumers and SMEs, under the next legislature.

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