Placing a Product on the Community Market

Published: 2 June 2009

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

Making things simpler in the Internal Market

The position paper ‘Placing a Product on the Community Market - Making things simpler in the Internal Market’ of 24 July 2006 was drafted in the context of the discussion on the revision of the 'New Approach' to technical harmonisation and was calling for a common understanding of the definition of ‘placing a product on the Community market’ and ‘making it available’ to users and consumers.

Our call was heard and Regulation 765/2008 EC and Decision 768/2008 EC – known as the 'New Legislative Framework' for the marketing of goods – now provide such definitions. 

Since the proposal made by Orgalime in 2006 does not correspond to the existing words of the law, the position paper has been withdrawn it has been replaced by a ‘NLF interpretative fiche’ adopted on 2 June 2009, in order to provide industry’s interpretation of the actual application of the definitions of ‘placing a product on the Community market’ and ‘making it available’.

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