Orgalime’s comments on the OSHA’s draft version of the technical areas of the NRTL Program Directive
Orgalime welcomes the opportunity given by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States to send comments on the draft version of the technical areas of the Nationally Recognised Technical Laboratories (NRTL) Program Directive in advance of the formal notice and comment period.
The US is one of the largest markets for European mechanical, electrical and electronics engineering exports. In 2012, the export volume of Orgalime products to the United States accounted for 33% of the total EU exports to the USA. Trade in the other direction is also very significant. Total trade amounts to some 150-160 billion Euro.
Trade relations between the EU and the US are also reflected in the mutual direct investment, and the US is one of the largest markets in terms of outward direct investment made by the European engineering industry outside of Europe.
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