Orgalime response to the Public Consultation of ACER and ENTSO-E on “Role of stakeholders in the implementation of network codes and related guidelines, and in particular the establishment of European Stakeholder Committees for the implementation (...)"
Orgalime, the European Engineering Industries Association, speaks for the industry that supplies conventional and new technologies throughout the entire energy value chain, from generation, transmission, distribution to end use, while our industry depends on reliable and continuous access and availability of energy at cost-reflective and efficient prices for its own manufacturing processes in Europe.
Our industry therefore supports the development and implementation of network codes and related guidelines that secure grid stability/system security, continuity and quality of the service of the power system, including for the participation of demand side resources. Demand Side Flexibility bears significant potentials for increasing the overall efficiency of the EU energy system, integrating an ever higher share of Renewable Energy Sources and for realising cost savings for private and industrial consumers. It should therefore be particularly supported in the development and implementation of network codes. A business case rewarding the end-user for the service that he is offering to the grids should be pursued, while a centralised, mandatory shut on/off for appliances should be avoided in the finally approved codes.
Overall, we support network codes that strive for a fully completed, interconnected, consumer centric future energy market that enable consumers to achieve better control of their energy costs, consumption and increase its overall autonomy through the combination of decentralised energy generation, with energy management systems and smart appliances.