Orgalime recommendations on the future of European standardisation

Published: 29 June 2015

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

Much time has been already spent on analysing how European standardisation performs in preceding years (for example in the EXPRESS group’s work). That was followed by the adoption of a new Regulation EU 1025/2012, which we expected could lead to a period of legal certainty and stability. Nonetheless, the European Commission contracted a consulting company to conduct an “independent review” of the so-called “European Standardisation system” (ESS), on the basis of its own ‘vision’ in COM(2011)311.

Although we believe it is too early to draw conclusions – as stability is needed for the whole set-up of the ESS –, Orgalime welcomes the overall positive assessment of how the private and independent European standardisation organisations perform against the five EC strategic objectives, namely “speed, innovation, and the ‘inclusiveness’ of stakeholders in standardisation”. 

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