Orgalime position paper on the transposition and implementation of the Directive 2014/94/EU on the Deployment Alternative Fuels Infrastructure at national level

Published: 19 December 2014

Policies & Issues: Energy & Climate

Orgalime supports the promotion of a sustainable range of transport solutions and the build-up of interoperable, alternative fuels infrastructure across the EU as a means to stimulate growth, jobs and technology take-up. We therefore welcome the rapid adoption of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fules infrastructure at EU level, which is now in the critical phase of transposition and implementation in EU Member States. The European engineering industry is ready and able to provide the full range of technologies that are required for a successful implementation of the alternative fuels infrastructure as identified in this Directive. However, Orgalime thinks that Member States must provide the urgently needed political signal to bring the benefits to European citizens and society.

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