Orgalime initial response to the Commission proposed “Joint Initiative on standardisation”

Published: 14 December 2015

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

The engineering industry, as the chief contributor to standardisation work and main user of standards, want to help to reinforce the public-private partnership between the Commission and the standardisation community.  We believe that the proposed “Joint Initiative on standardisation” should encompass all mandated standardisation work and build on the five cornerstones listed below:

  1. Support the competiveness of European industry; mandated standards should always be market relevant and based on consensus.
  2. Support innovation and growth; the positions of the intended users of mandated standards should always be considered and the use of mandated standards should always be voluntary.
  3. Foster inclusiveness; industry should be consulted on standardisation policy issues.
  4. Reduce red tape; the principle of better regulation should guide the European Commission in the administration and follow-up of standardisation policy and mandates.
  5. Facilitate global trade; standardisation mandates should always take the global perspective of standardisation into account.


Philippe Portalier
Director - Better Regulation, Compliance and Standards

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