Orgalime answer to the Public Consultation on the future of EU-Turkey trade and economic relations - non-tariff and tariff barriers in trade with Turkey

Published: 6 June 2016

Policies & Issues: Trade

Trade between the EU and Turkey is very important for both parties, but it is currently being put at risk by Turkey’s increasingly protectionist stance due to unsubstantiated requests and the above-mentioned constraints which run counter to Turkey’s obligations under the Customs Union Agreement.

The Turkish authorities are imposing unjustified restrictions on our industries, for products intended for export to Turkey, in violation of the provisions of the EU - Turkey Customs Union. These measures have escalated since 2015, resulting in substantial additional costs and administrative burdens for our industries as our products have been systematically held up at Turkish customs.

Whilst Turkey can certainly check the conformity of products it imports according to the European regulations it applies on the basis of the EU - Turkey Customs Union, these controls must be done in a consistent and proportionate manner as not to hamper trade.


Silvia Selandari
Senior Adviser - Trade and Legal

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