Joint Call - The need for a pan-European accident and injury data system

Published: 14 March 2013

Policies & Issues: Internal Market - Compliance, Standards & Enforcement

This is a joint call on the European Institutions and the Member States to create an EU-funded accident and injury data system, embracing all Member States, under the co-ordination of the European Commission. 

This system should build upon the principles developed in several Member States, be similar to the US National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, and provide data from samples of national accident and emergency departments. It needs to be led and adequately funded by the European Commission. 

All Member States should be required to contribute to the establishment of the database and regularly deliver injury data to the Commission that are comprehensive and in accordance with harmonised methodology and classification.

The system should be readily accessible to all relevant stakeholders and allow analysis of injury risks, in particular those related to home and leisure accidents, and the potential effectiveness of various policy options and injury prevention measures. 

Such effective collection and assessment of injury data would enhance the ability of the Commission, Member States and stakeholders to ensure the continuous improvement of the legal frameworks and policies for health and safety, both in their development and implementation, and help create a level playing-field for European consumers and European businesses.

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